How We Help Experts Create "Instant Authority" to Effortlessly Close 3-5 Premium Clients Every Month Even If They Have Never Worked With Anyone Before


Over The Past Decade We’ve Transformed Over 100+ Experts From ‘Unknown’ To ‘Established 7 Figure Authority’s’

If there’s one thing we've learned:

Building a level of “industry-wide authority” that attracts perfect clients… consistently grows your brand and drives 3-5 premium clients a month at your door does not need to take years!

Once our clients install the Instant Authority Engine in their business, they can start closing pre-sold premium clients in weeks – even if they never worked with anyone before!

Helping thousands of clients launch their coaching businesses (many with zero coaching experience) and scale that up to consistently bringing in 3-5 premium clients every month.

We do this by building an online ecosystem – tying together the only 5 core pillars you need to be seen as a Subject Matter Expert…

…WITHOUT wasting hours doing a million different things.

And this allows you to build a powerful lead generation system that brings in new leads on auto-pilot…

filling up your own community with raving fans…

..and turning them into perfect-fit high ticket clients you’ll LOVE working with.

Now, normally we only set up this powerful system for our personal clients…

Clients who pay us a hefty fee each…

But I’m now at the age where I want to start giving back and help as many people as possible.

Which is why I’m giving away our proven step-by-step process (along with everything you need to implement it) for just $14.40.

Get instant access, try it out and watch for yourself as new pre-sold clients start reaching out to YOU to help them transform their lives...

Get everything inside the… 

Instant Authority Engine

Generate high-quality “pre qualified” leads while building your authority… 

…then effortlessly convert them into 3-5 premium clients in less than an hour a week

  • Part 1: Instant Authority Engine Framework to Predictably Close Premium Clients (Valued at $47)

  • Part 2: Crafting Your Irresistible "Easy Yes" Offer (Valued at $97)

  • Part 3: The Introvert Friendly Way to Become an Internationally Recognized Authority (Valued at $97)

  • Part 4: The Automated 4 Figure Client Attraction Engine System (Valued at $197)

  • Part 5: The 6 Figure Coaching Business Blueprint (Valued at $297)

  • Bonus 1: How to Get Featured In The Media (Valued at $97)

  • Bonus 2: 3x 6 Figure Instant Authority Engine (Valued at $47)

  • Bonus 3: 0-6 Figure Coach Playbook (Valued at $97)

Here's What Happens When You Install The Instant Authority Engine In Your New Or Existing Coaching Business…

Every successful coaching business is built on this one thing: 

Your ability to get your message out to the right people, showing them you can help them, and then solving their “bleeding neck” problem

And there’s a way to do this WITHOUT…

❌ Being overwhelmed with all the different strategies to find clients

❌ Worrying about when your next (or first) client is coming from…

❌ Worrying if your business will be able to support you and your family…

❌ Wasting weeks and months building a sales funnel only for it to bomb…

❌ Spending years and years “building credibility” and doing work for free…

❌ Countless hours and hours talking to time-wasters on the phone who’ll never buy anyway…

After helping countless new coaches build profitable coaching businesses for over a decade (and being an entrepreneur for almost 30 years), I’ve seen it all.

There are folks who WANTED to start a coaching business so they could finally quit their jobs and do what they love…

But kept putting it off, saying “one day”.

Then, there were a few enterprising folks who bit the bullet and went for it.

But they quickly ran into a new set of problems

While they could talk about their expertise competently online…

People weren’t paying attention to what they had to say…

They didn’t engage with their content…

They ghosted them mid-conversation…

And even when they managed to get them on a call, it felt more like a tug of war than a helpful conversation…

So when all of these problems show up, what this really means is…

People have NO IDEA who they are 

And if they don’t know who they are, they don’t trust them.

Without trust, they don’t buy.

Which means they can't get traction…

…wasting HOURS and thousands of dollars doing marketing and sales with nothing to show for it.

Stopping them dead in their tracks from building the life they always dreamed of.

When I noticed these problems happening, I realized it was all because of one thing: 

They Weren’t Seen As An Expert

And if they could fix this one thing, they would have no problem closing dream clients.

People who saw their content would like, love and engage… 

They would reach out and ask them for help…

They would be pre-sold and EAGER to have a call…

Sales calls would be easier and they would close quicker… 

And they would be able to scale their new coaching business to 6, even 7 figures…

This is the true power of building authority in your market...

Authority behind your name amplifies every single thing you do…

…making it that much easier to grow your coaching business and become known as the “go-to” guy or gal.

Which is why we engineered a process to shortcut the authority building process to WEEKS instead of months and years.

This is the untold secret…

How I’ve had the privilege of working with incredible people like Kevin Harington, Brian Tracy, Forbes Riley, and so many incredible entrepreneurs.

It’s how we’ve helped over 100 coaches build million dollar businesses with complete predictability.

Which means when you install the Instant Authority Engine you’ll be…

Building a business that gives them freedom to spend every day doing what they love, instead of grinding out the week, just to live for the weekend…

No longer stressing about bills or worrying if they can afford the more expensive gift for their spouse…

Have dream clients approaching YOU for help… all because you’re seen as the “go-to” person in your industry. 

They pursued their dream, broke free from an average life, and as a result…built a successful business that allowed them to do all the things they always wanted.

If you’re a new coach just getting started or a coach who hasn’t quite “broken through” yet and you’re tired of pumping out free content…

Or trying a lot of different things to be seen, but nothing’s working…

And you’re ready for a predictable way to create authority so leads come to you, instead of you chasing them, you’re in the right place.

But before you start building authority, be careful because…

There’s a WRONG Way To Do This That Could Cost You Thousands

When most try to build authority, they make the mistake of trying to “command attention.”

They do this by posting their life away on social media only to end up wasting their life away without getting the attention they want.

And honestly, it’s not surprising that the vast majority of content creators NEVER get noticed.

Just look at the data:

On Facebook there are 230,000 status updates EVERY MINUTE!

On Youtube there are 3.7M videos uploaded EVERY DAY

On Instagram there are over 95M posts and videos EVERY DAY

There is no “blue ocean” lucrative place to post content.

Which is why we do something different and focus on...

Escaping The Social Media Hamster Wheel and Ethically Shortcutting The Process

Instead, we walk our clients through a step-by-step process to get them in front of their ideal clients using other people’s audiences.

Who they know, like and trust allowing them to have authority icons on their website and landing pages.

All the while creating trust symbols that dream clients instantly recognize.

Then, we use a very simple proven 3 step process to pre-sell them into your methodology.

We’ve done this over and over again helping clients go from 0 clients to building thriving coaching businesses in record time.

In fact, we know this process works so well that we GUARANTEE clients that join our Done For You program will make $40,000 in new clients or they don’t pay.

But now, I want to give it all away for the less than the price of a meal to show you this timeless system we’ve been using for over a decade.

After Building Over 100+ 7-8 Figure Coaching Businesses For Our Clients With Dozens of Case Studies Later…

We’ve Distilled This Down to a Simple Process Anyone Can Implement

You don’t have to worry about how to get your name out there…

Or wondering how you’re going to get your first (or next) client…

All you need to do is use the Instant Authority Engine – to create your Irresistible “Easy Yes” Offer…

Then following along and launch your coaching business and begin attracting clients.

Like Jason Ballard who used this method to launch his coaching business, solidify his brand, become an Amazon Best Selling Author, and amplify the effectiveness of his marketing campaigns.

Or like one of my clients who desired complete creative autonomy over her coaching program, resulting in her ability to attract three reliable clients each month, each paying her $5,000, thus accumulating a consistent monthly net worth of $15,000 a month.

Also like Nate Kelly, who started with lots of doubts and unsure of where to begin. He now successfully built his own Podcasting Coaching Business by finding confidence and embracing a mindset that aligned with his passions in life through following our comprehensive framework.

Now, it’s your turn to get paid for your expertise.

We’ve Built Over 100, Million Dollar Coaches and Hundreds of 6 Figure Coaches Over The Past Decade

Here’s What a Few Of Them Have to Say About Our Methodology: 

Get everything inside the… 

Instant Authority Engine

Generate high-quality “pre qualified” leads while building your authority… 

…then effortlessly convert them into 3-5 premium clients in less than an hour a week

  • Part 1: Instant Authority Engine Framework to Predictably Close Premium Clients (Valued at $47)

  • Part 2: Crafting Your Irresistible "Easy Yes" Offer (Valued at $97)

  • Part 3: The Introvert Friendly Way to Become an Internationally Recognized Authority (Valued at $97)

  • Part 4: The Automated 4 Figure Client Attraction Engine System (Valued at $197)

  • Part 5: The 6 Figure Coaching Business Blueprint (Valued at $297)

  • Bonus 1: How to Get Featured In The Media (Valued at $97)

  • Bonus 2: 3x 6 Figure Instant Authority Engine (Valued at $47)

  • Bonus 3: 0-6 Figure Coach Playbook (Valued at $97)

You’re Getting All This

Part 1: Instant Authority Engine Framework to Predictably Close Premium Clients (Valued at $47)

Get a 10,000 foot overview of how the entire Instant Authority Engine works, and how you can deploy it in your business over the next 14 days or less.

Part 2: Crafting Your Irresistible "Easy Yes" Offer (Valued at $97)

In this step, we’ll show you how to craft an irresistible “easy yes” offer that’s so good it can’t be ignored. When you do this right, you become a category of one in your market that nobody can compete with even if they tried.

Part 3: The Introvert Friendly Way to Become an Internationally Recognized Authority (Valued at $97)

You don’t have to dance around on TikTok. There’s an easier process we created to help someone build instant credibility and authority. I’ll show you exactly how it’s done and how you can do it too.

Part 4: The Automated 4 Figure Client Attraction Engine System (Valued at $197)

This automated system works around the clock to pre-sell and enroll dream clients into your program.

This automated system works around the clock to pre-sell and enroll dream clients into your program.

Part 5: The 6 Figure Coaching Business Blueprint (Valued at $297)

This automated system works around the clock to pre-sell and enroll dream clients into your program.


Bonus 1: How to Get Featured in The Media (Valued at $97)

Being featured in media (and proudly displaying it on your socials/website) is one of the fastest ways to build credibility with people who don’t know you. 

You might have seen big coaches say they’ve been featured in Forbes, or Entrepreneur magazine? Being able to leverage the credibility of these big organizations is a secret weapon. 

The problem is, it’s not easy to get featured. Unless you know how! We have a powerful system to get your name noticed by these top publications. This bonus will show you exactly how. All for FREE. 

Bonus 2: 3x 6 Figure Instant Authority Engine (Valued at $47)

I’ve helped over 100+ coaches hit the 7 figure mark. But before they were able to hit 7 figs… they had to overcome the hurdle of getting to 6 figures a year. 

That initial journey is the most difficult one you will have to make. That’s why I’ve included 3 NEW case studies from my clients who scaled from 0-6 figures. 

These are detailed walkthroughs of their businesses. Everything from who they are, what their offers are, and how they did it. 

Bonus 3: 0-6 Figure Coach Playbook (Valued at $97)

What would I do if I lost everything and had to get back to 6 figures as quickly as possible? I would use this playbook! 

I would forget everything I COULD do and focus ONLY on these things. (Super simple, FAST strategies to get results). 

And when you use this, you too can model my process–and skip the years of trial and error. 

I wish I had this when I started! 

Did I Mention You Get A YEAR Money Back Guarantee?

If you try out the Instant Authority Engine and you don’t feel like you know exactly how to build a successful coaching business, I’ll give you a full refund.

Ask anytime, and you’ll get it.

I’m so confident you’ll love everything I teach inside this course (plus the amazing bonuses) that I’ll take the risk of giving you such a generous guarantee.

And I say “generous” because I’m pretty sure it will cost me $8-$10 to refund your $14.40 purchase…

…which means I have a lot on the line to make sure I completely overdeliver on it.

So what do you say?

Why not try it out on my dime at my expense and see what happens?

Get everything inside the… 

Instant Authority Engine

Generate high-quality “pre qualified” leads while building your authority… 

…then effortlessly convert them into 3-5 premium clients in less than an hour a week

  • Part 1: Instant Authority Engine Framework to Predictably Close Premium Clients (Valued at $47)

  • Part 2: Crafting Your Irresistible "Easy Yes" Offer (Valued at $97)

  • Part 3: The Introvert Friendly Way to Become an Internationally Recognized Authority (Valued at $97)

  • Part 4: The Automated 4 Figure Client Attraction Engine System (Valued at $197)

  • Part 5: The 6 Figure Coaching Business Blueprint (Valued at $297)

  • Bonus 1: How to Get Featured In The Media (Valued at $97)

  • Bonus 2: 3x 6 Figure Instant Authority Engine (Valued at $47)

  • Bonus 3: 0-6 Figure Coach Playbook (Valued at $97)

Hey, Mike Driggers Here...

And I’ve been a serial entrepreneur for the last 30+ years.

My first ever business was in lawn care. At just 12 years old, I’d go round the trailer park I lived in, hounding my neighbours to mow their lawn… when I got their business, I’d turn around and hire my friends to do the work!

I had no idea what delegating or managing a team was about, it just made sense!

After we moved house, I did everything from starting a BMX business to selling soap door to door.

It wasn’t until I got into a company called TPN (The People’s Network) that things started to really click.

See TPN was one of the biggest satellite channels back then.

They focused on providing inspirational, educational and motivational content… broadcasting live events for folks like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rhone, Les Brown, and many more.

This exposure gave me a glimpse into the coaching world and I loved it.

And I also discovered I had a knack for marketing the speakers, helping to sell heaps of their programs!

Then the internet happened.

Seeing the opportunities, I set up my own company and used everything I’d learned in marketing and sales for well-known thought leaders…

…to help aspiring thought leaders build their brands and scale.

Since then, I’ve written 33+ books, been featured on ABC, NBC, FOX, CBA, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and many more…

I’ve also delivered over 3000 presentations worldwide, providing coaching and education on building personal brands.

And I’m pleased to say that many of my clients are able to shave off 5-10 years on their journey… and many are pulling in 7-8 figures a year…

…simply because we know how to accelerate and launch their businesses.

It’s been a wild ride!

And if you’re wanting to launch (or grow) your coaching business, I want to help you do it.

Now that you’ve read this far…

Will You Say YES To Your New Future Or Walk Away And Continue As You Are? 

You’ve probably been thinking about starting your coaching business for some time now…

Maybe you’ve Googled how to get started…

Or how to get clients…

And maybe you have an idea for who you’d like to help…

Maybe you’ve even bought a few books and courses, but you’re still not sure how to actually get started–start making money–and turn your dream into a reality.

Or maybe you’ve already started…

But you’re not where you want to be yet.

I understand. I’ve been where you’re at and so have almost all my clients–otherwise they wouldn’t have needed help.

There’s a lot of questionable advice in the coaching world…

…advice given by folks who frankly aren’t qualified to give it.

But what I’ve shown you here is a way to launch your coaching business…

Using a method I’ve rigorously tested with hundreds of clients…

It has worked repeatedly in multiple markets and niches, for different personalities, whether you like to be on camera or prefer to be behind the scenes…

This method will give you clarity and certainty.

And allow you to build authority so people will like and TRUST you to do business with them.

And it will allow you to finally attract the kind of clients you want to work with…

And begin impacting them and changing their lives because you know that you have something powerful to share.

So, I have just one question for you:

Are you here to build a hobby or your dream business?

You have a choice. You can say no. You can exit this page…

Forget everything about what you saw here…

Keep going on with life, whether its your 9-5 or trying to build your coaching business on your own…

Dreaming of what is possible, grinding and hustling because “that’s the way things are”...

Wondering if you’ll ever have the life you always dreamed of… working with the kinds of people you want to work with…

Or you can click the button below.

That button is the key to the life you want.

That button is the key to having the business you always wanted.

That button will give you the freedom to live life on your terms.

Without guessing, doubting yourself, or stressing about attracting or closing clients.

Because by investing a measly $14.40 you will get the exact blueprint to Instant Authority…

Every single step you need to take to go from “unknown” to “established authority”...

This method allowed over 100 of my clients to unlock a 7 figure business…Hundreds of others grew multi 6 figure businesses…All without sacrificing their soul to do it.

I know it can help you get more clients and grow your brand.

Click the button below to try it out today and I’ll see you on the inside.

Skipped To The Bottom? Here’s The 411

After a decade helping my personal clients launch their coaching businesses and hit 7-8 figures…

My next mission is to help even more folks like you get started on the RIGHT footing.

By giving you everything you need to create a powerful, irresistible offer that your perfect client is desperate for…

Then showing you how to build Instant Authority

without spending years “working your way up”, so you can start attracting 3-5 premium clients every single month.

I’m also going to give you incredible bonuses that will help you get results FASTER and EASIER than ever before.

Plus an exclusive case-study on how one of my students went from 0-6 figures in record time.

This will show you that YOU can do it too!


Who is this for?

This is for anyone who wants to start, build and scale a coaching business. If you provide any sort of advice or service to people and help them solve problems… and you want to sell your service for a premium ($3k-10k minimum), this is for you. 

What is the Instant Authority Engine? 

The Instant Authority Engine is a course distilling my process of launching and scaling coaching business from zero to 7-8 figures.

I’ve taken hundreds of clients through this exact system. It will show you how to craft your core, “easy yes” irresistible offer people want. Then how to get your name out into the world to attract your perfect clients, and after that, how to scale up the system so that it is bringing in 3-5 premium clients every month.

This is the most powerful system for new coaches to install into their business to see massive success. 

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

You’re getting LIFETIME access to the Instant Authority Engine video modules, plus all of the bonuses (Valued at $976).You’ll get access to a members area where you can access your products at any time, download PDFs, and go through at your own pace. 

Is there a guarantee? 

Yes! Your purchase is protected by our 1 Year, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee.

Get Instant Authority Engine today. And if you don’t like it for any reason whatsoever, just email us and we’ll give you a full refund of every penny you paid.

FAQ image

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

The Instant Authority Engine is based purely on my results and the results of my clients. Nothing is guesswork – none of it is theory. I only teach what I have used myself and GETS RESULTS.

When clients pay me a hefty fee and expect results, we do not mess around.

We’ve tried just about every lead generation, sales and marketing strategy there is – and so we know what works and what’s a total waste of time.

You’re getting my decade's worth of experience distilled into one course you can power through in a day or two.

If you work the system, the system will work for you!